Elisha Barnette L.M.T.

Massage therapist treating a client.


   Thanks for browsing and checking out my page. Please make yourself at home here as you learn more about me and what I have to offer as a massage therapist. I am trained in a variety of modalities. I go into more details in the "About Me" section. Clicking on the "Services & Rates" page will provide you with descriptions of these modalities and what rate is charged for each of them. This list will continue to grow as I further my education in massage therapy.

Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will call you back and confirm the details of your appointment and also answer any questions you might have.image

Enjoy your visit here and let me know that you dropped in! Spread the word and invite your friends to click on over as well. Thanks again. :)



Here are some of the comments (used with permission) that I have received on my Facebook page. You can visit and LIKE my page by clicking the link provided here. http://www.facebook.com/elishabarnettelmt



"Just wanted to say you did an AMAZING job last night on my neck, and Mike said he slept better than he has in a long time. Definitely going to have to set this up as a regular thing!!" .... Brett J.



"SOO excited and proud of you!..and BTW she gives the best massages..just sayin... :o)" ... Jeremy M.


"Got a massage today and it was sensational! My bad knee (and everything else) has felt so much better since getting it. It was very relaxing and soothing. I encourage EVERYONE to set something up with her! You will love it. Thank you so much Elisha, I will be setting up another soon and can't wait!" ... Kathy W.